What is the DAF Fund in Wales? Explaining the Discretionary Assistance Fund

What is the DAF Fund in Wales? Explaining the Discretionary Assistance Fund

The Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) in Wales is a government-supported scheme designed to provide financial assistance to individuals who are in urgent need due to an emergency or a crisis. It is intended as a safety net to help those who do not have other means of support in times when they require urgent help […]

Irresponsible Lending – What you need to know

Irresponsible Lending

Before a company offers you credit or lends you money, they should check to make sure you can afford to pay that money back. The process they use to do this is called an “affordability check”. If they lend you more than you can afford to pay, this is referred to as “irresponsible lending” – […]

Do You Have To Pay A Parking Charge Notice?

Do You Have To Pay A Parking Charge Notice?

There aren’t many things as frustrating as getting back to your car and finding a parking ticket stuck to the windscreen. The good news is, not all parking tickets are the same – and there are some situations that mean you may not have to pay your fine. We can’t remove the frustration of a […]

Charging Order – What you need to know

Charging Order - What you need to know

Although some debts can start out as ‘unsecured’, if you do not make payments towards what you owe, creditors can take action to secure a debt against your home. To do this, they need a type of court order known as a ‘charging order’. A charging order is a very serious type of action – […]

IVA Spending Restrictions: What You Need to Know

IVA Spending Restrictions

If you are struggling with debt, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) may be a debt solution worth considering. An IVA is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors, which is managed by an Insolvency Practitioner (IP). It allows you to make affordable monthly payments towards your debts over a set period of time, […]

What is a Certificate of Satisfaction: Definition and Uses

What is a Certificate of Satisfaction: Definition and Uses

A Certificate of Satisfaction is a legal document that confirms a debt has been paid in full. It is often used in the context of a mortgage or loan agreement. If you have recently paid off a debt, you may be wondering if you need a Certificate of Satisfaction and how to obtain one. In […]

The Register of Judgments Orders and Fines

The Register of Judgments Orders and Fines

The official statutory Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines is a public register containing details of individuals with a county court judgment (CCJ) or a high court judgment (HCJ) issued against them. The Registry Trust manages the register on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, and they also maintain similar registers for Northern Ireland and […]

Signs of Financial Abuse

Signs of Financial Abuse

Everyone has the right to make financial decisions on their own, but this isn’t always the case in some relationships. It’s not uncommon for family members, partners or carers to advise you on how to spend money, but when this advice turns into control, financial abuse occurs. Identifying the line between well-intentioned advice and manipulative […]

How long can someone stay without paying council tax?

How long can someone stay without paying council tax?

As the cost of living continues to rise, many of us are looking for ways to cut back on spending and save money – especially when it comes to our household bills. It’s now quite common to see adults moving back in with their parents and couples splitting their weeks between each other’s places. However, […]

What is the County Court Money Claims Centre?

What is the County Court Money Claims Centre?

If you owe a person or company money, they may try to take you to the County Court Money Claims Centre to force you to pay what they say you owe. Although lots of people have heard about the County Court or a County Court Judgment, most people are not as familiar with the County […]