Does Universal Credit affect credit score?

The UK government has recently shook up the traditional benefits system and replaced the following benefits with Universal Credit: Jobseeker’s Allowance, Housing Benefit, Income Support, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Working Tax Credit, and Child Tax Credit. With millions of former older-style claimants expected to be transferred in the next few years and it impossible […]
How to remove a charging order from a property?

A charging order is a court order that seeks to compel you to settle unpaid debt, by securing the outstanding debt against your home or another property you own. In this post we’ll examine what a charging order is, what the charging order process involves and, most importantly, how to remove a charging order that’s […]
Charging order on property? Get the advice you need

When creditors have a court order like a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against you and the court decides you should repay the money they owe, creditors can apply for a second court order called a ‘charging order’ that secures the debt you owe against property you own.’ In this blog we’ll look into what a […]
Can a CCJ be enforced after 6 years?

If you owe money you can’t or won’t repay, a County Court Judgement is a common tool creditors use to force your hand – but how long is a CCJ active for, and is there a time limit that means you won’t have to repay after a certain number of years? In this blog we’ll […]